Jenny Buchanan
Hi, I’m Jen Buchanan I am an empty-nester who loves to create paintings and mosaics and sell them in my online stores. I have taken 100's of photos over the years to use for paintings. There will never be enough time left for me to use them all, so now I am handing them over to you so you can go forth and create something amazing. Want to know a bit more about what I do? Most days you can find me working away in my little studio which is actually the front room of my blue beach house situated in Northern New South Wales, Australia. My Golden Retriever, Kula, used to sit outside my studio door every day to keep me company but sadly she passed away in 2018 at the age of 15. Mostly I am known for making coastal style mosaic house numbers and signs but I am also an accomplished painter, having won several awards for my art. That was back in the time when I used to enter art competitions. Nowadays I prefer to let the buying public be the judge of the quality of my work. I also teach art. I want to help as many people as I can to find joy through art as I have so now I am sharing everything I know about painting. Art can certainly give your life a new purpose. Who am I? Let me make it clear that I am a very practical type of person with a commonsense approach to life. I am definitely not some sort of artsy fartsy hippie type. In fact, I was a bookkeeper for many years before I became an artist. One discovery I have made as I get older, though, is that in order to achieve true happiness and find work/life balance I need to exercise both sides of my brain, my creative side and my practical side. Having an online art business is perfect for that. I think it’s fair to say that since art took over my life I have changed from a painfully shy introvert who liked to hide in the background into a highly motivated, more confident individual who is not afraid to put myself out there and show the world what I have got. Why I do what I do. The reason I create art has never changed since the day I sold my first painting back in 1997. I get a real kick out of the fact that people are willing to actually pay me money for something I created with my own two hands. It makes me feel like I have something worthwhile to offer the world and something to leave behind after I have gone. The reason I teach art is that I feel like I am sitting on a giant secret and I want to let it out. I know that learning to create art improves lives. I also know that anybody can learn art if they find the right teacher. Finally, I know that my very detailed approach to teaching art enables my students to develop their own painting style rather than just learning to copy my artwork. Developing your own art style will give you a greater sense of pride and lead to greater success in the long run. Here's a little more about me. When I am not in the studio working on my paintings and mosaics I have a few other interests that keep me busy. In the mornings you can find me walking the beach collecting shells. I find shell-collecting to be the most effective (and cheapest) stress-relief therapy there is. About once a week I like to play golf (which is why I need the stress-relief therapy). As a golfer, I make a great artist. I also try to keep fit by doing yoga, jogging and bike-riding as I find exercise is a great way to keep energised and motivated to work. If you want to know more, here are five things you may not know about me: I am a fifth generation Australian, born and bred in Western Australia but I have been living on the East Coast of Australia since 2002. I ran my own juice bar in Surfers Paradise for three years. Biggest mistake ever. However, I did learn a bit about how not to run a business. My husband and I spent two years living in Hawaii. It was lovely there and we still visit regularly but there is no place like home. Unlike most women I know, I do not like clothes shopping. I have visited Japan every year for the past 13 years but I still only know a few words of Japanese. What's Next? Now you know a bit about me, Jenny Buchanan, I’d love to get to know you. If you've made it this far then we probably have something in common so let's keep in touch. Why not join my Facebook Group, “You Can Learn Art” where you can show me your work and ask any questions about any aspect of your paintings that you may need help with. I also have heaps of free art resources for you on the Blue Beach House Art website